Madhouse (2004)
Issues with the Ending, but otherwise Good
17 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Okay I checked the spoiler button, and I truly truly mean I'm going to be writing spoilers, like the entire ending out because I am having such horrible issues with the way they ended it.

I watched this movie the way I watch every other movie, camped out in the middle of the night in my dark living room, sitting in my rocking chair just a few feet away from the flat screen TV so I can hear it but not disturb my sleeping housemates. As a horror fanatic I critique horror movies very close-knit, much more strictly then I would any other genre. The movie was very easy to follow along with, and despite the initial aggravation I had with the psychiatric hospital (I've spent well over my share of time in psych hospitals, and they are NOT as "crazy", "misguided", and "dark" as this one) I thought that the set up of the movie was pretty good. It was an obvious call that when Clark started talking to the mysterious prisoner in the bottom of the psych ward that there wasn't really a prisoner there. And if the mystery of him not coming out into the light didn't give you enough hints then the voice echoing in a paranormal way should have. The little boy running around the psych ward that he kept seeing was dressed in rather old fashioned clothing, which had me suspecting that it was either Clark as a child or the run-away psych patient as a child - I guess either way I was right(?). But I guess I should stop rambling and get on to the ending, the letter that said Clark had died and the file that said that he was suffering with MPD. First of all, Multiple Personality Disorder was re-diagnosed as Dissociative Identity Disorder in 1994, however it's not clear just how old Ben is, but my guess would be that at the time of his diagnosis they would have filed it as DID instead of MPD. Ben's inability to recognize Clark as a person, or even as a personality, is very common with DID patients, however he had said things throughout the movie - especially at the end of the movie while with Sara in the bottom of the hospital - that would suggest he HAD in fact recognized Clark as a real person. And it's obvious that Clark knew who Ben was, which is usually a mutual thing with DID patients, either all personalities know about each other or none of them do. This small detail really made the ending of the movie hard for me to find believable and probably ruined the entire movie for me. However I rated the movie 6/10 for the beginning of the movie, their way to pull you into the film.
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