BioShock Infinite (2013 Video Game)
Quite simply: The best game for 2013 so far!
29 March 2013
It's very hard to review this game even partially, not to mention I don't often review anything beyond I like or dislike something.

If you play games for the story, then you should stop reading this. Go out and buy it already. The story in this game is above and beyond what any movie can offer. Though, with a game time of at least 8 hours, that's to be expected. It has been written in a way that throughout the game it gives subtle hints to what's happening and has happened before, however, you probably won't recognize them for what they are until the ending (I didn't). WATCH PAST THE CREDITS!

Graphics wise; I'm lucky enough to be running dual And HD7970s, so I never had a single bit of lag in the game. In fact, I doubt it dropped below 100 fps. However, even a single card below mine should provide enough power to show the spectacle that is Columbia in all its DX11 goodness. Side note, it's better to play this on a PC if you want it to look incredible, xbox and PS3 (or the up and coming consoles) can't compete with even a low level gaming rig, My opinion.

This is a first person shooter, and as another reviewer said, it plays out a lot like the two previous titles. Firearm in one hand, plasmid/vigor in the other. Some of the vigors can be quite graphic and shocking to the player, probably the worst of them is a vigor that shoots crows out of the players hands and tears the flesh from your enemies. This game is not suited for young viewers. The skylines, I believe they are called - I'm still reeling from the end of the story, didn't play as big a part in the fighting as I would of liked. I think the game play video hyped it up a little too much. There just wasn't all that much of it, sure you can use it for some cool kills, but I found it a lot simpler and flowing to fight from the ground.

Audio is very simple; music suits the time period, sound effects are incredible. Play it with surround sound and you will not be disappointed.

Overall: An easy 10/10 for this game, good fun and engaging story line will give any player hours of fun, and some scares as well! Play the game, there's hours of content, and multiple play throughs needed to get 100% and learn about Columbia and its history.
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