The Walking Dead: Welcome to the Tombs (2013)
Season 3, Episode 16
Utter disappointment to end a terrible second half
2 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I think a friend on Facebook may have said it best today: "I think the only reason I continue to watch (The Walking Dead) is so I can refute claims that it's worthwhile." I couldn't have said it better myself. I have never watched a show where a lead character dying or a series of people being gunned down meant absolutely nothing to me. And I can't even put my finger on it anymore. Is it bad pacing? Yes. Is it poorly adapted? Yes. But there is something else that makes me feel so apathetic when watching The Walking Dead. What was once a show I looked forward to, a season has once again ended with me feeling like this.

So, yes, Andrea dies. She is bit by the Woodbury dweeb after he was gutted by The Governor, who has lost any kind of sanity that he may have once had. But as she sits bleeding out and turning into a zombie, I really felt nothing. And I was trying to figure out why. One factor was that I really started to not care for her character as the series went on. Dating back as far as season two when she almost snipers Darryl down, Andrea always came off as the girl that acted like she had it all together when she really couldn't handle anything. She acts like she is the badass independent woman, but then she stays behind in Woodbury with The Governor for sexy times instead of leaving with her loyal friend Michonne, who had saved her from sickness and walkers int he winter between seasons two and three. Then she had multiple chances to kill The Governor and passed on all those moments. She even went to the prison for a visit and decided to turn back and stay in Woodbury.

And I know what you Walking Dead lovers are thinking."Tim, she wanted to save everyone. She didn't want anyone to get hurt." I hear your argument. I understand what you are trying to say. Andrea said it as she was dying. But why? Why did she need to save everyone? Why did she stick around in Woodbury for so long when all signs pointed to trouble? Why did she feel like she had to care for these people that mean nothing to her? People that she literally has no relationship with other than the fact that they are neighbors. It really didn't make sense to me that she had such an allegiance to these people that have done nothing for her. Isn't this the same woman who didn't want to bring an injured boy into the group on the farm? Her sudden change to want to save everyone seems stupid and I could have cared less if she died at the point she did. I mean, she deserved it. Kill or be killed. Top that off with the fact she couldn't hold off the dweeb in zombie form when she had taken out three zombies that caught her by surprise in the middle of the woods and it equals the ultimate you deserved to die.

On other fronts, The Governor and his Woodbury army drove right into the prison camp with the best battle tactic in mind: just run in and try to kill everyone. It was crazy when that didn't pan out. "Hey Gov. Do you think maybe we should form a plan here? It looks like the group is hiding on us. Maybe just running in guns ablaze isn't the best plan" said no one in the group. "They killed eight of our people! Let's run in like f****** idiots and hope that they are all just sitting around not prepared to fight us when a war has been imminent for weeks!" screams The Governor. And wouldn't you know it, The Governor's plan didn't work. So when his army of normal citizens bails and starts trekking it back to Woodbury, The Governor has the obvious response: cut off the truck and gun down everyone on his side. Duh. And the obvious reaction by all of these people that are, remember, armed themselves is to run and not draw on the pirate leader that has turned on them. OK, maybe they were just super scared and instinct said run, but how does Martinez or Fat Lenny Kravitz not stop the massacre? Martinez has shown that he does have a decent side to him when he talked with Darryl earlier this season, and the look on Fat Lenny Kravitz's face was all "I want to get away…I want to fly away." I can't believe they just get int he car and drive away with The Gov.

To read the rest of the recap/review (IMDb form too short) visit:
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