Jack Reacher (2012)
An enjoyable flick
26 April 2013
Look, I'm not sure what all the anger directed at Cruise is about; can you not have fun making a movie anymore? Yes the beginning of it plays out like an old episode of Miami Vice, with Cruise instigating gaping jaws and wet panties from every woman that sees him. If I made a movie tomorrow I would do the same thing, because I could. That is also the beginning of the movie, the body of the film by far and large is an extremely well done mystery/thriller.

I think an easy comparison would be Shooter with Marky Mark. There is a large scale conspiracy plot, a retired military specialist who is somewhat of a disconnected and eccentric personality, and as the story moves on some people get their asses whooped, a few more die. The villain is James Bond quality and Reacher himself a mixture of Jason Bourne and Kwai Chang Kaine. The action is swift and brutal when it happens, the banter from Cruise will make you laugh out loud, even though it's a little cheesy his charisma makes it work.

I personally found the movie to be extremely entertaining and recommended it to my friends, as I am recommending it to you here. But if you're one of those people that didn't like Shooter and hated Michael Clayton your time will be better spent jamming foreign objects into your rectum.
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