This is a strictly paint by the numbers edition of Die Hard
26 April 2013
As far as Die Hard movies go this is by far the weakest of all the installments. Live Free or Die Hard while it didn't really feel like a Die Hard movie that much as the original 3, still was a fairly decent movie. But Die Hard 5 aka A Good Day to Die Hard it seems like Bruce Willis is just doing it to cash a pay check. And in the last movie when they introduced the Lucy McClane character they actually made it some decent amount of character development in her small amount of screen time. In this movie Jai Courtney does a down right terrible job as being the heir to the McClane kick butt business. It definitely doesn't help matters that this movie is only 1 hour and 40 minutes long while all previous installments were at least 2 full hours long. And the bad guys were as 2 dimensional of characters as you could get. In the previous movies you always had great bad guys to give McClane trouble, in this movie you have a cartoon character who easily gets dispatched before the guy who you thought was a good guy ends up as the real bad guy. This is like the producers said to themselves, "What's the least amount of effort can we put into making a Die Hard movie and it still earning a profit?". Well I think we found our answer to that question.
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