Prayers for Bobby (2009 TV Movie)
If homophobia had a cure, this would be one of it's ingredients
27 April 2013
So I've watched this movie some time ago and still can't get over it. It's not about the excellent performance, it's not about the tragedy itself, it's the whole picture of this movie that literally blew me away. I normally do not cry during movies and if I do, it feels kind of forced (like in "My sister's keeper" which is made so that you cry and feel better afterwards) but the final of "Prayers for Bobby" felt like "release". Not this "finally-the-movie-is-over-release" but the release you can only experience after watching a loving mother going through the hardest process of her life to accept her son for what he was. I can't imagine anyone who gives this movie a serious shot coming out and saying "Ok, so this was lame, I don't understand the process". "Prayers for Bobby" shows what a real struggle looks like. It shows love, passion and extremes without being cliché. If get your hand on it, try it, it's worth your time and interest.
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