Review of Heat

Heat (1972)
Fun In The Sun
29 April 2013
I'm not always in the mood for this film, but when I want a great laugh this one hits the spot each time. It is hilariously funny and quite eccentric,to be sure, but the parody on "Sunset Boulevard" ends up being a parody on its characters. And this is done on purpose and not by accident. The female protagonists are unbelievably effective through the entire film and the fit near the end had me doubled over in laughter. These characters are really not to be taken too seriously. They have their own universes which collide with any standard view and the exploitation of characters rings an occasional bell - but only occasionally. The people on the screen (with the possible exception of the male lead) are constantly playing games and taking on new roles. It's not too good a choice for those viewers sensitive to proper language and behavior but for the rest of us, it's one of the funniest films around.
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