Review of The Torch

Peter Gunn: The Torch (1958)
Season 1, Episode 12
The Firebug Murder
3 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
PETER GUNN – "The Torch" – 1958 It is late at night and two men, Gordon Mills and Robert Carricart, are breaking into a warehouse. They are carrying cans filled with gasoline and several bundles of rags. They spread the rags across the floor and then pour gasoline on them. They start for the exit as Carricart lights a trail of fuel. A third man, Edward Ecker, now appears and clobbers Mills in the jaw. Then Carricart and Ecker pickup Mills and dump him into the now roaring blaze. They then beat the feet out.

The next day, Peter Gunn, (Craig Stevens) is paid a visit by the dead man's widow. The widow, Paula Raymond, wants Stevens to discover how her husband Mills died. It turns out that Mills and another man, Bartlett Robinson, owned the warehouse that had been destroyed. Stevens takes the up front cash and agrees to have a look into the matter.

He checks with his Police Lt buddy, Herschel Bernardi for any possible leads. The Police are sure it was a torch job, but have no further info. Stevens pays a visit to Mills "now" ex-partner, Bartlett Robinson. The man denies any involvement in arson or a possible murder.

Stevens then sifts through his underworld contacts and arrives at the door of Walter Burke. Burke was a one time fire for hire man. A long time stay in the hoosegow on the State's dime cured him of his infatuation in the fire area.

Burke however still knows several other practitioners in the art of the dancing flame. A few dollars change hands and Burke supplies Stevens the names.

Stevens quickly tracks down Carricart. During a nice bit of "deep conversation" with Carricart, the man lets slip that it was indeed him at the fire site, and that he was acting on the orders of Mill's partner, Robinson. Ecker now enters, sneaks up on Stevens and applies some gun barrel to the side of Stevens' noggin. The two truss Stevens up and dump him in a corner while they decide what to do. Carricart decides it is time to leave town. Best not leave any loose ends though. Carricart gets on the blower and calls Robinson. He needs Robinson to come quickly to Carricart's place. Robinson agrees and says he is on the way.

Carricart and Ecker plan to kill Robinson and then fry him and Stevens in a new fire. Robinson shows and is quickly subdued by Ecker. As the pair are starting up the new fire, they are interrupted by the sudden arrival of Police Lt Bernardi. Bernardi has been following his main arson suspect, Robinson for the last few days.

A quick one, two, eliminates Ecker from the fight while Stevens helps out with a swift kick to Carricart's backside. The boot in the rear launches Carricart down the stairs and into the middle of the fire. Bernardi helps Stevens out of the burning building with Carricart's screams following them.

Case closed. (B/W)
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