Melissa & Joey (2010–2015)
Retro and FUN!
11 May 2013
I've been reading comments about how this show is copying bla, bla, bla. I just want to say that there is so many shows on so many different topics already recorded that its hard to come up with fresh ones. I really like this show it has a really good background story but actors are so much more. They seem to be born for these roles. I mean Mel and Joey are just perfect, plus Ryder and Lennox are such a great success. My point is that if you copy some show and you make it worse that is lame, but if you manage to make it this great that my friends takes some skill and commitment. I have watched all seasons of FRIENDS, Supernatural, Joey(from friends), Seinfeld, The big bang theory and a lot more but i've got to say that this show IS WORTH OF EVERY SECOND of your life. . I just want to thank to actors and writes for doing that great of a job. And i'm hoping for a lot more seasons with Melissa and joey.
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