An action movie addressing a real issue
12 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers

I really enjoyed the whole movie from the first to the last minute. Don't expect the whole 97 minutes to be packed with action though. In the beginning it's about real financial problems people have due to the banks' way of doing business. A married couple invested its savings in a mutual fund which went bad, and ended up having their house foreclosed. Jim (Dominic Purcell) tried to fight it legally but it only got worse and worse until he lost his wife (she killed herself). After seeing the incompetence of the justice system and how the rich only got richer while only the average person like himself suffered he decided to kill the people responsible. The action kicks in relatively late in the film, however the interactions and emotions that led to Jim's desperation in the end are necessary in order to justify his actions. This film shows how we are only words and numbers on a piece of paper for the banks, and that they will stop at nothing to profit. As I see it the part before the action begins is how many people have been treated in real life, and the part where he goes ballistic is what many of those regular people who were robbed of their life would like to do.

To conclude, I also noticed that this film wasn't made in Hollywood. Hmm...let me think... neither was V for Vendetta... is it a coincidence?
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