Talent lacks in film debut
13 May 2013
RZA cannot act. RZA cannot direct. These two statements are made painfully obvious by this terrible film that stars RZA as some sort of EX slave mega martial artist in China.For some reason, Russell Crowe and the Lovely Lucy Lui are also in the film, although it would not have changed a thing if they were not. Crowe walked through his scenes and added nothing to the film except some rather dull delivery of some pretty bad dialogue, he also looked bloated (Although not as bloated as Pam Grier looked in her flash back scene playing RZA'a mother...you see, RZA was a slave in the USA and somehow--after a long exposition scene that dragged on forever--he ended up on a ship that wrecked near the coast of China and everyone died but him.) Lui, who I adore, could have just sat there and did nothing and I would have still thought she was fantastic...so I will not say anything about her. Oh I have to...she was fantastic.

I am sure that Tarantino sent RZA to that silly week class on film making that he brags he went to and is all you need to become a film maker. That may work for someone with talent and some intellect, but obviously does not work here. There are many, many black American student film makers across the USA that would have loved to have the chance to make a low budget film, not to mention one of this type of big bucks. They gave it to this guy instead. Wasted money>

RZA stick with the music, you are actually good at that. Good dancers do not always make good painters and sometimes good musicians do not make good actor-directors. In your case that is true.

My advice it, if you must, watch this with the sound off and add your own words as Woody Allen did with "What's Up Tiger Lily", at least you will get a laugh...oh yes, but not while the divine Ms. Lui is on because she is fantastic (sigh).
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