This wedding broke me up
22 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I finally got to watch "Breakup At A Wedding" last night, and highly recommend it. This, in spite of (or maybe because of, who knows?) my general distaste for 'wedding' movies. I had no idea what to expect, and was therefore very pleasantly surprised by the story, which is told with 'found' footage via the very ambitious videographer (Victor Quinaz/ Vic James -whose credits at the beginning of the movie remind me of the credits in the ultra-short "Bambi vs. Godzilla"). The only annoying element was the occasional 'shaky cam', but I can live with that. Apparently our erstwhile videographer has discovered the secret to perfecting wireless mics (which are notoriously fickle things), and that is what makes this story pop.

The cast will be familiar to anyone who has watched any of the "Periods" shorts- and Phil Quinaz ("Phil Havemeyer") takes his turn yet again as the tall, laid-back center of the action. His performance is wonderfully sweet and nuanced, and a great foil for his somewhat panic-stricken bride to be Alison Fyhrie ("Alison Jones") and the rest of the guests and family who are remarkably realistic and hilarious on their own.

One of the best scenes involves an ongoing battle for booze between the wedding party and a neighboring SF Cosplay convention, with a hilarious confrontation when things finally come to a head. And there is a wicked twist in the story that is worth the wait.

It is clear that making the dozen or so "Periods" shorts has honed the craft and talent of this wonderfully funny and sweet crew (tribe? motley pirate gang?) of filmmakers, actors, and writers. They've crafted a fun and funny little movie that manages to tell a great story without a lot of explosions, grotesque bathroom scenes (although there are some scenes in bathrooms!), or gunplay- which in this day and age, is a rare thing. I look forward to their next endeavor.
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