Very close to good Scandinavian lonely-cop films
4 July 2013
In the world, Finns are known to be sluggish and calm people - and we see plenty of them in most Finnish films. Harjunpää ja pahan pappi is a nice exception, thanks to talented Peter Franzén and Sampo Sarkola, above all, whose characters' reactions to injustice and violence are not insensitive or arid. Although being on separate sides of the law, their "psyche" types are rather similar, but the reasons to act are still different... The plot has several twists and turns, some issues are explained via flashbacks; the ending is trivial, but not annoying, and when the credits appear you realise that you have seen a decent psychological thriller, in the line with good similar films from Sweden or Denmark.

In short, the film in question is one the best 21st century Finnish crime films. Moreover, I as a Finnish-speaker and having visited Turku/Åbo several times, had a nice joy of recognition.
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