Girl walks in bar, should have walked out
8 July 2013
Girl Walks Into a Bar seems like it wants to be Crash, but in a bar and deals with inter-connective stories about bar denizens who walk in and imbibe their favorite drink.

However, this movie tries to be clever with some so-so banter, but ultimately falls flat as a beer that has been sitting on a 'set designed' bar for two days.

If you want a 'bar' movie, try Albino Alligator, which is far superior and a lot more interesting. Or even Palmetto.

It seems the director decided to make an 'quippy intelligent dialog' movie so as to score some very hot babes that were thinking, 'hey no action so this must be a cool movie"...NOT. Well.."I'll just show off some skin".

There were some interesting dialog lines, but I forgot what they were, but I did snicker tho at the line. Certainly nothing up to the quality of "You do know how to whistle don't you? You just put your lips together and blow". But then Gutierrez is no Julius Epstein or Billy Wilder.

It is worth watching for the chick factor. But if you ain't Ionesco or Wilder or even Tarantino better be careful what you are writing without action and thin plots of 'connectivity'. Rosario Dawson is totally hot in this flick.

Wait...Bulletin..this could have been a satire or parody of bar movies. Then, well, it still didn't work. If you want parodies check out the Scary Movie series and Airplane I and II.

If is free though, on Retro TV or HBO, you might check it out. I enjoyed parts of the movie.
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