Prison Song (2001)
Q-Tip Tries To Plug Some Tunes . Not The film I Expected
13 July 2013
The name Darnell Martin attracted me to this movie . Martin was a director of season one of the prison drama OZ which is my all time favourite drama show to have come out of America . Martin was in my humble opinion the best director of the show and made the stand out episodes of the series including the debut episode that gripped me tighter than a vice . The synopsis of PRISON SONG led me to believe I'd be watching more of the same . Did I ? Well yes and no

The story is the well worn one of a ghetto kid called Elijah who struggling against the crushing adversity of his environment finds he has a special talent for photography and as he grows up he gets a place at college . What could possibly go wrong ? Destiny apparently because Elijah finds himself facing some hard time

If Martin had concentrated on this we'd get a tough prison movie which while seeing it all before would have been a tough gritty film . You have to take in to account as to who the cast are Q-Tip and Mary J Blige which means we get a pumping soundtrack which will prejudice your opinion . If you enjoy hearing a thump thump thump rap track involving I think the word is " mother figures " then this will enhance your feelings for the movie . If like me you don't then you'll be constantly irritated by the soundtrack

This is a pity because PRISON SONG does just about works as a tough prison drama but only intermittently . The film starts by giving out some sociological figures by pointing out crime stats involving African American men but then quickly gives up the pretence of any social comment and concentrates on the music . At the end of the day PRISON SONG suffers from too much song and not enough prison
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