a raw, delicate piece that could possibly become a sleeper classic if more people see it.
30 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Falling Overnight follows the story of a man, Elliot Carson, who finds love at the worst time in his life. Scheduled for brain surgery on the next day, he tries to pass the dreadful hours of waiting time by going out. What he didn't expect was that he'll meet her match a day before his possible last day here on earth. It is basically, life giving him the finger if you look at it in a mad perspective. Or it could be a sign of hope. Maybe, a reason for him to weigh on waking up after surgery.

At first glance, the concept behind Falling Overnight seems familiar. A look into love limited by time. Something already established in the love story classic, Before Sunrise (1995). The setup is two strangers meeting for the first time and falling in love despite the short amount of time they spent together. What makes Falling Overnight different from the classic is not just the presence of the lead character's illness. It is the treatment to the concept that sets them apart.

While Before Sunrise tries to show you how sapiosexually-inclined the two lead characters are, 'Falling' takes you to the actual emotions of the characters on screen. They're not trying to prove to the audience that you can indeed fall in love in a short span of time. The film succeeds in portraying human emotion rather than make up through conversation for the otherwise silly little concept. Don't get me wrong. I'm not hating on Before Sunrise, it has its own merits and I love the film as well. This is rather a clear cut distinction between the two great movies. Most people would probably tell themselves, "why would I want to watch another Before Sunrise?" You might miss this little cinematic gem because of that presumption.

Yet another difference the film has from its predecessor is the characterization of the lead. Elliot was not the resident shy boy although it is pretty evident how he chooses to distance himself from the people around him. Maybe, if it wasn't for the illness, he'd be that friend you'd like to hang out with. It is possible that after finding out about his condition, he deliberately chose to separate himself from the rest of the world. This is more evident on the unanswered phone calls from his mates and his brief phone conversation with his mother. Apart from him and his mom, it even appears as if he never told anyone of his condition. Maybe, he didn't want people to worry about him too much. It felt like, he was prepping himself to actually leave.

What makes it more interesting is that Elliot never set out to fall in love. This movie wasn't the bucket list type of picture. He had no intention of splurging it all on his possible final hours. Hell, he only wanted something to drink when they met. And when he realized what life just did to him that night, all he could do was laugh about it in his car. At first you might think, this movie is going to be a definite cryfest. While it may work for some, it might never even be the main goal. The movie had every chance to exploit the drama behind the situation but it never does. Instead, it showed the characters as people. Not a tool for drama.

If you want to see a love story that feels more real than idealistic, this is the right one you're looking for. It kind of reminded me of the quality HBO's Girls had in its first season. Raw and gritty, hits close to home. It wasn't relying on smart, existential thoughts, and witty dialogue. It's pure emotion translated into film. As Parker Croft's debut as the writer/executive producer for this film, I must say he gave a very defined performance as the character he wrote. But the biggest breakthrough comes from Emilia Zoryan's performance. This was her first film yet she acts as if she's been doing it her whole life. Very natural and captivating.

Falling Overnight is a raw, delicate piece that could possibly become a sleeper classic if more people see it.

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