Cute idea with horrible acting and cheesy plots
9 August 2013
The show follows the typical formula of other Mexican dramas such as ''Mujer Casos De La Vida Real'', ''Como Dice el Dicho'', and others. Like those dramas mentioned, ''La Rosa De Guadalupe'' usually does not feature or focus on one cast throughout the series, it also does not follow any formula of continuity instead they feature a new cast and setting every episode. Each episode aims to tell a different short story each time, that aims to teach emotional life lessons, which are usually resolved through someone praying to the Virgin of Guadalupe.

The show seems to be aimed at children and teens, since most of the problems revolve around the problems of stereotypical teenagers, and sometimes children. Common problems such as bullying, teen pregnancy, alcohol abuse, gun violence, etc. Others seem to focus on more domestic issues that some how have effects on children and teens, such as a mother being abused by her alcoholic father, abusive parents, etc.

The premise of the show itself is fine, but it's lack of focus on plot, it's bad scripting (filled with butchered Spanish, Mexican slang, and English-isms), and horribly bad acting kill the show for me. The show has many sub plots within itself that are sometimes filled with complete plot holes (never fully explaining what the life lesson was for the episode for example, other than the Virgin's fairy dust randomly appearing and fixing everything). Or another case, never fully explaining what happened to a character or what happened in the plot to fully cause the problem. The acting is over exaggerated at times, as well as some of the story lines themselves, even for the theme that it's trying to preach. I've caught myself asking at times, who seriously acts like this in real life or who says this kind of stuff, yes it even fails at making common issues seem unrealistic and even stupid at times.

The bad acting and the bad writing and the bad plot make this show a disaster along with the other factor I've mentioned. I only give it a 2 because hey it's at least better than some of the other garbage that's on TV these days. Since La Rosa targets a younger audience, it uses more upbeat rock music and pop music that appeals to Mexican children and teens, instead of orchestras or ballads like Novelas. The music itself however, just sounds like random stock music that was composed on a cheap budget. If anything they could at least get a better music producer or use actual bands.

So if you like cheesy plots, with horrible scripting, and terrible actors, mixed with a cutesy religious theme then this show is for you. There is a rip-off version of this on Telemundo as well, which is much better FYI.
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