The Sopranos: Irregular Around the Margins (2004)
Season 5, Episode 5
10 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The story regarding this episode is a train wreck. Why? I guess it has to do with time running short, because there's some big things happening in this episode, and most of them make little to no sense.

1. Tony got cancer. But apparently its no big deal because there's no buildup in earlier episodes around this serious matter. We don't know when he found out, when don't see any side effects...nothing.

2.Tony snorting coke. Now what the **** is going on here. Tony always been very direct that he doesn't work with or like drugs. In earlier seasons people would have gotten in some serious trouble if someone showed some coke to Tony. And one of the reasons Adriana gets the club is for the gang to have business in a safe environment without COPS/FBI interfering and so they throw out any dealers. And to see Tony snorting with Adriana is even worse, because there's no reason for Tony to trust her not telling anyone.

3. Tony and Adriana. Like seriously. Tony has never had any feelings for Adriana and Adrianas heart has always belonged to Christopher. If it was to happen, it would have required a buildup, but nope were going lightspeed to "I want you".

4. Christopher going **** bananas. Alight, some parts does make sense because Chris temper is way unstable. BUT, its not likely that he would go for killing Tony. I guess some people think it makes perfect sense but I don't. Chris has been in similar situations before, but he wouldn't appear few days later, drunk as **** with gun pulled trying to pop Tony, because I think hes smarter than that.

5. Tony B. Why is Tony B with the gang when they are to decide whether or not to kill Christopher. Tony B said earlier he wanted to try living a life without crime, but still he's there and Tony doesn't seem to have anything against it which he should have.

5.Raccoon on the road. The only time Tony drives Adriana (or any girl rly) he does it in the middle of the night, wrecking the car in order to avoid a raccoon while NOT getting a blowjob. Now, what are the odds for this and everything above to happen in the same episode... you tell me.
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