Shakespearean Rendering Of A Baseball Poem
12 August 2013
Have you ever heard or read "Casey At The Bat"? Not by DeWolf Hopper, I'll bet - he died many years ago. I saw it recently in a 35mm print restored by the Library Of Congress, and I can guarantee you have never seen anything like it. This film was made by De Forest Phonofilms, which included a sound process which was used sparingly from 1922-26 (See review by wmorrow59 for info).

This was Hopper's signature achievement, as he apparently recited the poem for some 40 odd years, and here is the one recorded instance of it - and what a performance! Standing on a stage with the curtains closed and in medium close up, Hopper delivers one of the most outrageous, overblown poetry readings ever put on film. His gesticulating and grimacing are highlighted by the primitive quality of the film, which gives him circles under his eyes and darkens his lips.

I don't know if Hopper ever did Shakespeare, but his booming baritone and exaggerated, hammy delivery made this reading of a celebrated baseball poem terrifically entertaining. Try and see it if you haven't. This is great stuff.
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