Only You (2013–2021)
No absolute love
10 August 2013
First I want to say that the romance genre I really like a lot and this romantic comedy with touches of sitcom and a drama's started seeing a second time by the site Having said that and having seen 108 chapters today I am able to make my criticism that I think about it for months, and it is against the main script that plays Adrian Suar (John), I know that many followers of the, will be angry, but to them I say, why settle for a man clumsy, immature, lacking in personality and cowardly incapacity to handle the commitment made, promised, brag and boast? And that involved, gave hope, enthusiasm and wishful to the supposed love of his life, and then break her heart unilaterally implemented by him the same that feeling, and above alluding renouncing his happiness, yes, he said so, he renounced his happiness, egocentric SELFISH!, what about the happiness of his "beloved" does not exist? IMBECILE! Undoubtedly the worst of all is the character of John Minujin (Felix), but the most painful result caused a heart as representing Natalia Oreiro (Aurora), is the one that made John, because she is now devoutly really in love with him. Much could be said of his bad management, I just mean that in many occasions needlessly supplanted and helplessness sentimentally Aurora (with the stewardess; with Victoria; with the friend of her eldest daughter; in bachelor of Felix) and often inconceivably and his supposed ex-wife Ingrid, who always mistreats Aurora, slander and insults, and not only did not defend her from his ex, but also demeans be kissed in view of Aurora, and as if that were not enough, have sex several times (3 today) because of an alleged by skin supported. I say as if one man is really in love with another woman, do not want to have sex with your ex, what happens is that not all the men really know or can fall in love absolute. And with regard to minor children, since their separation he must speak, persuade and explain what was no longer by his wife, to anticipate if to rebuild his live, and then just for this, should have started talking, groping, persuade and explain also his minor children his feelings for another person, before start the relationship, when Aurora was with Felix still, he had many months to do before confessing and promising love. This is a very good fiction, but it is, because sadly sure there are similar men in reality, as in a lot of movies, is whether there are many men friendly, cute, only slightly tender (John) and up wealthy but eventually STUPID, and many women desperate, gullible, fool and even materialistic but eventually deceived. Well I apologize to the devout or adept the character of John that might have offended, but I'm not passive to injustice, and even though this is a novel, I know that it is still possible because men are hesitant and fearful, who say to be in love only with their lip as John, and that their undermines attitude calibrated harm thoughts and hurt a heart as the Aurora script, I'm also sure there are women so in the real life, but unfortunately or do not work your intuition or do not encounter men who truly love them, having word, and like to gamble for them, if they take and confess that are the woman of their life. Surely Aurora and John are going to reconcile, because favors the rating and because we all like happy endings, but all suffered for she should not have happened, or at least not for contradictions and inconsistencies in the boy star of the story. And well as the saying goes, God gives food to those who have no teeth, and others (of both sexes) that as we care and go to the dentist, fate seems to takes us on an endless diet.
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