Review of 2 Guns

2 Guns (2013)
Entertaining and action packed buddy cop movie.
5 September 2013
*Contains some spoilers*

This isn't the most amazing movie you will ever see but saying that it is thoroughly entertaining and worth a watch at least once. Denzel and Mark have great on-screen chemistry and deliver a lot of laughs. I thought their dynamic was very good, and carried the film really well. Can't imagine this would have been as successful with a different duo.

The premise is your basic two agents - one a DEA and the other military - double- cross each other, robbing a bank for $3 million that belongs to a Mexican drug lord, and get caught up in an unexpected conspiracy where the CIA is accepting a cut of their profits from them in exchange for continued business. What ensues is a high paced action, comedy and drama adventure while they evade their respective authorities who all want them dead. There are a few twists and turns but the story is not that complex and is not the strong point of the film. So if you're expecting something deeply thought provoking and convoluted you'd be mistaken in thinking you'll find it here.

The direction is superb and the overall style of the movie is slick. There are more than a few thrilling moments and some great gun fights and car chases that had me smiling and feeling excited. All of the performances from supporting cast were good too.

All in all fans of Denzel and Mark will be pleased with this movie. Don't have high hopes, just go in, sit back and enjoy the ride. A good flick for a Friday night with a bunch of mates.
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