What a wonderful surprise of a movie!
6 September 2013
Looking for something to watch on a Friday evening while feeling ill I ran across this wonderful little gem I had dvr'd earlier in the week solely because it had Frank Morgan AND Richard Carlson. My mind wanted to see The Wizard of Oz meets the man who fights The Creature from the Black Lagoon and how well they would be together! TCM had given it only 3 stars so I was not expecting much and the first 90% of the film was entertaining enough, a solid 3 star movie. Amusing to envision a time when a Supreme Court Justice would not be instantly recognized by the Mayberry-esque type town mayor and judge (even if the quaint town does have some shady goings on). No googling in that day and age! Then we reach the last 10 minutes of the film. Which if I could rate the film ONLY on those last 10 minutes it would be a solid 5 stars. Frank Morgan delivers a speech that will move and inspire you. Gave me chills to hear a monologue from a man written and spoken over 60 years ago that could be a headline of this evenings news. The problems he spoke about are exactly the problems our nation is facing today. Touched me so profoundly I played it over and over until I got every word written down and then posted it online to my friends. Bottom line, a nice enough little film from the early 40's with a magnificent ending. Worth watching with your children for not only does it address some current political problems but also bullying.
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