Campy Throwback Fun!
14 September 2013
I had first head about Johnny X a couple of years ago and had been wanting to see it, as I have been a fan of Will Keenan since TERROR FIRMER. I didn't know too much about the movie going in other than it was a sci-fi, and it was supposed to be the last movie ever, ever, shot on real black and white FILM. Not digital, but true film stock, lots of little pictures in a row, film. I had been meaning to look it up but had kind of forgotten about it until I actually came across it at my local library - which, I have to say, has an awesome taste in movie selections - and immediately grabbed it. Popping it in, we are treated with Kevin McCarthy (aka The Bad Guy from UHF...) sentencing Will Keenan to a horrible punishment for his crimes... Earth! *this is not a spoiler, this is the first minute of the film* I was also super excited to see that JX starred Reggie PHANTASM Banister and Creed THE OFFICE Bratton in juicy roles as well. Overall this is a really fun homage to 50's sci-fi that gets just about everything right, from the costumes to the cars to the sets to the songs. It updates a few things here and there (mostly the effects), but keeps that camp feel that makes watching old films so much fun. If you "got" and enjoyed THE LOST SKELETON OF CADAVRA, JX will be right up your alley. If you like watching MST3K, but sometimes more for the 50's movies themselves, you'll love this. Highly recommended.
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