Review of Harrigan

Harrigan (2013)
Top film. A must watch. Gritty and dark, with a top cast. Really well directed.
24 September 2013
This film is one of the best films I have seen this year. The lead actor Stephen Tompkinson plays the role of Harrigan superbly, with some really gritty, dark scenes that convey the deprivation in the north east during the industrial decline of the early 1970's. Overall the storyline captured the withdrawal of the upper police ranks from the crime hot-spots to their comfy desk jobs leaving the old hands to sort the underworld and petty criminals out. The direction and cinema-topography portray Newcastle honestly, the production is in many ways more befitting of a Hollywood blockbuster that a low budget British independent film. The director, Vince Woods, is definitely one to watch for the future and I look forward to hopefully seeing more output from him. Congratulations should also go to the screenplay writer, who's experiences I can imagine have been drawn upon in this film.
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