Review of Vegas

Vegas (2012–2013)
Sex and Violence in Vegas, Not Here
26 September 2013
Ralph Lamb (Dennis Quaid) is a no non-sense local rancher and a former Army MP. He is pressed into serving as sheriff in the wild unruly new town of Las Vegas. It quickly becomes a family affair as both his brother Jack (Jason O'Mara) and his son Dixon (Taylor Handley) are deputized. On the other side, Vincent Savino (Michael Chiklis) comes to run a hotel and casino for the Chicago mob. Johnny Rizzo (Michael Wiseman) is the mob wiseguy in charge, and Vincent's pain in the neck. Mia Rizzo (Sarah Jones) tries to prove herself to her father.

The possible subject has deep depths of sex, crime, mob, gambling, and violence. The problem is that it makes it look so mundane. This is probably the curse of network TV. I can imagine this show being amazing if it had been on cable. Dennis Quaid and Michael Chiklis have the acting chops to power the show. But instead of shocking, it's mostly soapy.
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