Review of Lovely Molly

Lovely Molly (2011)
An awful waste of time
13 October 2013
Molly and Tim get married. They are working class, she's part of the cleaning crew of a mall, he's a truck driver. They move in to her family home, where her dad died.

Three months after, doors suddenly end up mysteriously opened at night, someone or something starts banging on doors furiously. Tim is out working but Molly has her sister Hannah who lives nearby and who works with her. Molly starts for no good reason to film things. She walks into the cellar, there's something there that groans, in another room something makes sounds calling her and she extends her arm.

We learn that Molly has a history of drug abuse and was apparently molested by her father. Now Molly starts losing it. She hears steps, and a voice. At work she's on tape acting as if she's being raped but no one is there. When Tim returns he finds he drug paraphernalia but it's never clear if she's using again or not.

Molly now starts acting more erratically, and things go downhill further for them and the movie. She kills or finds a dead deer, and films it, she becomes obsessed with a neighbor and her daughter and films them. At another time when Tim returns from a trip she nearly chews his face off, she tries to seduce a pastor. But a dr. finds nothing physically wrong with her.

Now she finds a screwdriver and things get bloody. It all ends with not one but two 'what the hell' moments, that come out of nowhere and don't answer much either.

Lovely Molly is a disaster or a movie on all levels. At best it would have made a good short if filmed in POV because that's what this director likes. This is basically a POV movie filmed in mostly in third person perspective with some bits of POV. The way "the story" is told is if it were one of those dreadful lost footage movies. And that's how the intro starts, too. So we get endless scenes that are meaningless and pointless, dialog that goes nowhere. And as with all lost footage movies all it can offer is an ending that is surprising, comes out of nowhere and answers nothing.

But there is a basic problem, that writers/directors don't get- movies about someone going mad are just not fun, entertaining, nor intriguing, or interesting, because you just know that nothing is going to come of it- no matter what happens at the end. And this movie suffers even more because we simply don't care about Molly. We've been given no reason to like her. Tim I guess is likable and so is Hannah, but still, the viewer is given no reason to invest emotionally in the characters.

Add to that how slow, lame, long, and boring this movie is, and you're left with basically nothing to like. I try to be generous in my reviews, but this was one the dullest movies I've seen with barely any redeeming quality. I give it a score of 2, for Gretchen Lodge's excellent performance and for the scene of nudity. Otherwise Lovely Molly is an utter failure and yet another reason to stay away from any other project this director is involved in- if the Blair Witch scam wasn't reason enough already.
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