Reasonably well done....but I think should have plugged Mary.
21 October 2013
"Galloping Romeo" is a Bob Steele film. Steele, though quite prolific, is an actor most folks today haven't heard of and probably never get a chance to see. In his heyday, he was a rather successful movie cowboy--though it's a bit hard to believe that such a small guy (he was only about 5'5") could become so big in movies. He wasn't all that handsome, he couldn't sing and his films were made for mostly second and third-rate studios. But, he COULD ride a horse amazingly well and his persona was quite likable--so likable that when his starring career ended, actors like John Wayne insisted on putting him in their films in supporting roles.

This film begins with Bob and his friend, Grizzly (Gabby Hayes) getting in one scrape after another. So, because they have overstayed their welcome in many western states, they decide to try their luck in California. However, their luck in the new land is short-lived when they are unjustly accused of robbing the stage. How does Bob's new girlfriend play into all this? See the film for yourself.

I enjoyed this film more than the average B-western simply because it had some unusual plot elements. Plus, like other Steele films, he doesn't (thankfully) sing--though you do hear Gabby croon a bit! Overall, well done and with some nice stunt-work.
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