Disney Vs. Fleischer -- Fleischer Wins!
26 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I'd guess that Disney's "Clock Cleaners" was in production at that time, though it didn't come out until later. The Paramount cartoon uses pre-recorded music, black-and-white photography, and a cheaper score, and its characters all move alike. Yet it is funnier than "Clock Cleaners," and uses its assets well. The grainy images show height better than Disney's sunny color: there's a real sense of danger. Popeye, Olive, Bluto, and Whimpy all move to the score. Because of this, the film is tighter. We don't go off for long stretches to see one character's routine for minute after minute. Hero and villain want to catch the love interest, and though we might see individual reactions to the chase, it keeps cutting back to it. So while the Disney movie has wonderful innovations in paint and music, "A Dream Walking" is recalled and imitated year after year.
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