The pace is too slow. 2/10
9 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Review: From the beginning, this movie moves at a really slow pace, to the point were I just switched off and I concentrated on something else. It doesn't really pick up until the very end, when the plot comes together and you realise what the hell is going on, but it wasn't anything amazing. The characters were really dull and boring, along with the storyline which just wasn't that exciting. I wasn't really that bothered about the whole conspiracy with the film because it wasn't interesting. I could have done with some matchsticks to keep my eyes open! Boring!

Round-Up: I haven't seen these actors before so I wasn't expecting anything out of this world, but the adverts made this movie look interesting, which it wasn't. I was hopping for an intelligent drama, but for most of the movie you end up just watching a girl who is obsessed with her best friend, to the point were it was just way to creepy for me.

I recommend this movie to people who are into there drama's about a girls obsession with her best friend. 2/10
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