Here Come the Brides: How Dry We Are (1970)
Season 2, Episode 22
Bit More Of An Interesting Plot Development
10 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Lottie (Blondell) is running out of whiskey and beer for her establishment, or she has run out.

Now Clancey (striving way too hard to be too much of a scene-stealer) cannot find whiskey anywhere up or down the coastline.

Enter Oppenheimer as a Frenchman who is expert on sales.

When Clancey and Biddy make their own spirits, Oppenheimer informs them this is illegal, but they can venture to Canada to purchase some liquor.

Clancey and David Soul do so, BUT then are confronted back in town by some 'marshals' saying it's illegal to come over the border! Actually, this boarders on suspenseful to a bit. Then it turns out the marshals actually work for Oppenheimer to set persons up to confiscate their purchases.

Again, an intriguingly well done episode, but misses some marks.

Once more, Mark Lenard sits out nearly the entire episode and Blondell seems an odd confection for emotion, as she walks back to her establishment at the beginning, faced with ruination. Can we try any harder for sentiment here? Oh, no! What will Lottie do? Hey, lady, open up a kitchen or boarding house or something. Become a schoolteacher.
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