Home Improvement: Chicago Hope (1995)
Season 5, Episode 9
Chicago Hopeless
20 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Tim stays up all night trying to think... not uncommon for him, I know, but tonight, he's trying to come up with ideas for their new Chicago market. Jill comes downstairs to nag him about their sex life, or in this case, lack of sex life. She read a survey that says some couples still find time to do the deed 5 times a week. She wants intimacy, romance, all the stuff that makes guys gag. Next day, Tim and Al are still racking their brains to come up with possible concepts for the Chicago Tool Time. Deciding these need a younger perspective, Al asks Brad what he'd like to see on the show and his answer is "A Salute to Heidi." Next, Tim mentions that survey to Al, talking about how his upcoming love making session with Jill is more work than play. She overhears, making everything get very awkward. Unable to work at home, Tim and Al go down to Tool Time, where Al hits upon a million dollar idea: a salute to fire escapes! Bud likes it, but announces the meeting with the Chicago marketer was postponed to tomorrow, the same day Tim was going to take Jill to an authentic Japanese hotel. Solution: Bud moves the meeting there. No ifs, ands or buts.

So Tim and Jill check into their room, both getting a big taste of Japanese culture. But before they even have a chance to check out the hot tub, Bud calls and tells Tim to get downstairs pronto. The meeting time was moved yet again. Tim tries to explain, but the jerkoff won't listen. So, the Tool Man slips away from his wife to meet Bud and their rep Mike McKeowen. They talk a little turkey at the table, then Mike brings them to the massage parlor. So as poor Jill sits in the room by herself, Tim calls up to fib he's still in the lobby waiting on free kimonos. Fortunately, Tim meets a familiar face in the massage parlor: Wilson! Whenever there's trouble, he's never far away. Unfortunately, he's not much help this time, and so Tim pays for his loyalty by getting a painful shiatsu massage, acting like a big baby. So after that hour of pain, it was back to the bar. By now, Jill has caught on to Tim's kimono lie, and I'd say he's in deep shiatsu. He tries to get away from the guys, but now Mike insists they sing karaoke! So the trio try their best to perform a Beatles song, just as Jill comes in the bar. Everything is laid out, Bud takes the fall, saying he pushed Tim. Mike is shocked and appalled that the Taylors' romantic weekend was interrupted for petty business. After all, he and his wife do it 5 times a week. So, Tim and Jill make amends, and to cap off his madcap romantic weekend, they fire up the karaoke machine and sing "I've Got You Babe"... badly.

The only highlight of this schlock was Tim, Bud and Mike singing the Beatles song. The rest of this episode was downright deplorable. It's a classic sitcom premise: guy takes wife away for romantic weekend, his boss interferes and makes the guy meet with a business associate, so the guy tries to do two things at once. Or in Tim's case, he only managed to do one. And was the ending of Tim and Jill singing "I've Got You Babe" supposed to be endearing? Because I think it comes off as very awkward, especially when Tim flubs a stanza. Chicago Hope has NO hope of being an entertaining episode, it just sucks. Bud is still a completely unlikeable character, and Tim should have been able to man up and say, "I'm going out with my wife. We'll settle the deal later." What was Bud going to do, fire Tim? How could he do Tool Time without him? Anyway, poorly written and in some parts, poorly acted. This one sucked.
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