Review of Linsanity

Linsanity (2013)
28 November 2013
It's a superb! This documentary is well organized, the story well told, and the theme well expressed.

Lin is an evangelical Christian, and was a leader in Harvard's Asian American Christian Fellowship during his time there.He credited his NBA success to playing without pressure. "I've surrendered that to God. I'm not in a battle with what everybody else thinks anymore," said Lin. He hopes to become a pastor who can head up non- profit organizations, either home or abroad, and has talked of working in inner-city communities to help with underprivileged children.Lin is focused on ignoring those concerns.

He said he's not even worried about the pressure that comes with being a man of faith.

"It's a platform I've been given," Lin said. "I want to be real. I don't want to have a false image. I want people to see who I am and what God has done in my life.

"If people don't like me or are waiting for me to fail, that's on them. I don't want to offend anybody. I don't want to be overbearing. But I've got to be who I am."
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