Masters of Sex (2013–2016)
Masters of Sex is a BRILLIANTLY written series
1 December 2013
After the fallout of my favourite TV series ending (Breaking Bad), I think I may have just found something that MAY be able to fill that void (but not completely… I don't think anything could..).

Masters of Sex is a BRILLIANTLY written series about two scientists, William Masters (Michael Sheen), Virginia Johnson (Lizzy Caplan), studying Human Sexuality that changes the world of sex as we know it today. Note this is set in the 1950's, a time where sex was still quite a mystery, let alone even spoken about in public.

So as you may have guest, this is based on a true story, just HOW accurate is it? I'm not sure. All I know is that the main characters are real.

Now, let's get to the reasons why I love this show so much.

I Absolutely LOVE Lizzy Caplan (Party Down, Cloverfield), and Michael Sheen just makes it THAT much better. And their performances are… I'm lost for words, they are brilliant. The writing and character development is great. And Masters character is so mysterious that he hides his emotions and always acts professional, in such a way that you sometimes forget he's even human, until he finally shows some real emotion (last scene from episode 5, anyone???).

Virginia's character is less mysterious, as is every other character in the show, but that doesn't make her any less interesting, at the start of the series you think "this match is no good, they're going to fight and drift away", but then there's your other side that says "but then again… Opposites attract… right?". In which of course they do. Which you start to slowly see, but Masters hides his emotions and always acts so 'professional', and to be honest, a straight up dick (sorry for the language) that he tends to push anyone who tries to get close to him away (mother included). EVEN his WIFE. That's right, his wife. He gets caught up in his work as if it's the only thing that matters. Like a robot. ANYWAY, if I continue I'm only going to talk about how much of an arse he can be but then show a side of himself that you love and continue to love.

(It's also 2:30 and I'm quite tired. So sorry for the poor review..)
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