Review of Prey

The Walking Dead: Prey (2013)
Season 3, Episode 14
Decent, but not great episode
5 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't dislike this episode, but as others mentioned, the beginning part had nothing really to do with the story. Perhaps it will tie back in later with those walkers that Michonne clearly new? Who knows.

The tenseness in this episode was well done, but there were a few lapses in logic that made it tough to stay in it. The first being that the governor is able to track Andrea as if she has a GPS tracker implanted in her skin. I mean, it's WILDERNESS. I would get it if he was driving on a road and saw her in the woods, but he literally was driving around fields and hunting her down. Then knew she went in the building (who would go in the building trying to hide?! hide on the OTHER side of the building and get away when you can, don't trap yourself).

The next part was when she unleashed the walkers on the governor. I mean, COME ON. I love WHY it was done, because I was left thinking...I wonder if he's dead. However, they over did it with that scene. I can understand if the last thing you saw was him emptying his clip and backing out to exit the building. Fine. Instead, they showed him literally PINNED TO A WALL, arms up, no bullets left, and like 10 walkers on him and trying to eat his face. So, instead of wondering is he dead? I rather thought...well, he MUST be dead, and if he isn't, then that is ridiculous.

Spoiler, he wasn't. Him catching Andrea is interesting. I wanted him to miss her because if she gets to the prison, then they'll be aware of the whole war thing, I think that would lead to a great standoff when the battle occurs. That's what I wanted, each camp getting more info of the other and the advantage switching. This episode just established the governor as a completely sick man, which definitely is helpful for the overall show.

I hope that Milton helps her escape, and then....well, maybe she steals a car and gets to the prison for real? haha
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