House of Bad (2013)
Trust me; it is a major waste of time!
6 December 2013
To begin with:

Heather L. Tyler: horrible, terrible acting! Hopefully I'll never see her in another movie again, unless, she pays for good acting lessons and comes back in a better movie and role, that gets her an Oscar or something acceptable.

Sadie Katz: amazingly fit and hot and a great job in such a terrible movie, so out of five on her acting I'll say is a four. Looking forward to see her again!

Cheryl Sands: good acting and potential future in the movie business.

Directors and writers, epic failure as director; writing it has to be less boring, remember is for a movie not for reading while commuting to work.

I really wanted to like this House of Mad, bad, boredom or whatever the title! This movie should have been 30 minutes shorter, I assure you even with all the screaming is a "doze off" sorry, I would recommend it to someone I dislike very much in order to ruin their evening!

By the way is time for fake reviews or people who don't know anything about movies to stay away from The Internet Movie Data Base.
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