Bill Cosby: Far from Finished (2013 TV Special)
A must see for anyone who wants or needs to laugh
17 December 2013
I have been doing stand up for 12 years and I can tell you that watching and listening to this man do what he does is pure art on stage. By the end of this performance you know you've just witnessed something special. How he does this is a mystery to us all. I've seen the other 2 negative reviews and I couldn't disagree more. Obviously these two have never attempted to get on stage and hold an audiences attention with their "witty banter". There is a reason that every comedian or comedienne goes to see him perform and we all still wonder the same thing. How the heck does he do that? He has an uncanny skill to grab an audience and take them on a journey with his words, facial expressions and movements like no other before him and no other after plus he does it sitting down. Maybe to truly appreciate this one would have to be a comedian/comedienne but when I listen to a great band play music I don't critique I do my part and enjoy in their talents. You should do the same. To the critic who said that he doesn't tell jokes, you are so late to the party Bill Cosby does not tell jokes. Bill Cosby paints a picture that you can see. Watch it more than once and you will truly appreciate that every word and action is carefully scripted to keep the audiences attention and involvement. It is in a word, brilliant. I would recommend all viewers to watch this without commercials because you are doing yourself a disservice to view it otherwise. And watch it with other people its impolite to not share laughter.
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