A Gunfighter's Pledge (2008 TV Movie)
Good acting from our leads but plodding pace and dialogue do not for a happy movie make.
23 December 2013
I picked this up on DVD and it felt like a TV movie, and hey ho, it was, no surprise there. But I brought it on the strenght of the lead actors, Luke Perry and Thomas C Howell both of whom are very under rated (Perry especially) It's a familiar yarn really. Sheriff (Perry) is in pursuit of the man who killed his family (Kim Coates almost sleep walking through the role) and Howell is the greedy land baron who wants it all. It feels a bit like an episode of the A-Team, but in the Wild West except that people do get shot.

The film has some strenghts, the acting all round is decent enough, and the photography and sets all blend well, but the dialogue is just so ordinary and the score swamps the film, with music almost all the way through and rather than uplifting the scenes makes them all the more banal. Shame really.
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