Review of Junk

Junk (2000)
The Premise Was Pretty Good
6 February 2014
This movie begins with the United States Army conducting an experiment consisting of bringing a beautiful Japanese woman named "Kyoko" (Miwa) back to life. What the scientists don't count upon is the fact that they have created a zombie who cannot be controlled. Not long afterward some jewel thieves agree to meet some members of the Yakuza to sell their goods at the same abandoned warehouse where this experiment was conducted. The negotiations break down and both factions end up battling each other for the jewels which results in a chemical spill that creates even more zombies. Complete chaos soon follows. Anyway, while this is clearly a low-budget film I thought the director (Atsushi Muroga) did a fairly competent job up until about the last 20 minutes or so. Things got a bit silly after that. In any case, the premise was pretty good and I liked the presence of both Kaori Shimamura (as "Saki") along with the aforementioned Miwa. But because of the breakdown at the end I have to rate it as slightly below average.
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