Endless Love (2014)
Not as bad as people are saying, but still has problems
16 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
You have to realize that the targeted audience for this movie is young teenage girls, but with that said, I'm a 19 year old girl, and I still found parts of this movie to be cheesy and cliché and predictable at times. But it's still a decent, enjoyable movie. It was beautifully filmed, and the actors did a great job. The problem I had with this movie was how quickly their romance began. It was only around 3 scenes into it when they started to "fall in love" and honestly it felt kind of rushed. And I hate how they make her Father out to be the bad guy, when I agree with him for the first half of the movie. I don't think any parent would like to see their daughter throw away a once in a lifetime internship opportunity for a stranger she barely knows who is a criminal and has had a violent past. Any parent would react the way he did, if not worse. I also don't like how they make it seem like it's such a horrible thing for her to spend her time reading books instead of "living", like she's a 17 year old girl, it's not a crime for her to stay in and not have sex and party.

There are a couple scenes that made me cringe due to how cheesy they were, like when she walked into the café/restaurant and saw him sitting in the booth with that other girl, and of course she jumps to conclusions and thinks there is something going on, when clearly absolutely nothing was going on. It was very over dramatic, and during that scene they said the most cliché lines ever like "I'm just not good enough for you", and "You're a coward, you need to fight for love" and various things like that, and it just bothered me.

Other then the cliché scenes and some predictability, it was still one of the better modern teen romance movies I've seen. Typically, modern teen romance movies these days are just horrific, but this one wasn't as bad as people are saying it is. But what I don't understand is people comparing this to The Notebook. The Notebook is the king of all romance movies, and it's offensive to compare the greatest love story of all time to a movie like this. Not to mention, I didn't get emotional once during this movie, which is rare because I'm an emotional person, so I found that odd.

I would still recommend seeing it. It's a decent movie, and it's not as bad as the critics and everyone says it is. I just really wanted to love it, and I only liked it.
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