Very good sequel, Lawrence is amazing
22 February 2014
Why are there so many people hating this movie ? when i first heard of the Hunger Games and the hype surrounding it, i was not at all excited or interest in it. However, being an avid movie fan, i had to watch the first one, and found it pretty good with good action and decent story, not to mention the excellent acting.

Still, i did not become a fan of the series, and so when this second movie came out, i did not rush to watching it, until i watched the Blu ray, and i was just attached to the TV from start to finish, it was full of intrigue and visually stunning. the Character of Katnis played brilliantly by Jennifer Lawrence was interesting to follow as she developed from being the scared girl who follow rules to stronger girl.

people here seems to miss the point of the movie, yes it might feel incomplete because it seems to be one part of the next upcoming movies and that is why people seem to rate it poorly. the point of the movie is actually focused on Katnis the character, as she develops and grow in so many ways.

people seem to see it as a repetition of the first, but there were plenty of differences, this one was sharper and deeper, sorry to say some have failed to see that. this might come as a surprise to some, but i found this one to better than the first movie !

the Games were fun and though did seem rushed, again for the purpose of the bigger picture, however, decent action scenes, and an atmospheric game arena the resembles the tropic jungles.

and everyone seems to rate the acting highly, which is exactly the case, each actor playing their roles perfectly, most seem comfortable to return back to their roles from the first film and seem to have grown into it.

Visually it is also stunning to look at. OK so it is not a masterpiece, and this coming from a person who is not even a fan of the movies, but it is an excellent movie not to be missed. i thought the 2 hours and 26 minutes rushed by quickly.

just like Star Wars or Lord of the Rings, this film is only part of a whole and cannot be rated accurately without seeing the whole series, it does manage to set up for the next one, and now im excited to see the next. Will i become a fan of the series ? i might as im not far out from that.

check it out
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