Review of Still

The Walking Dead: Still (2014)
Season 4, Episode 12
Nothing Much Happens Plot-Wise, but the Character Development is More than Enough to Make up for It
3 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Much like the Governor centric episodes during the first half of season four, this is the type of episode you'll either love or hate. For those who've always wanted to spend more time getting to know Daryl and Beth, this will be a much-loved episode. For those wanting the plot to move on already for @#!&'s sake, you'll probably be a tad bit frustrated.

What I loved about this episode is that Beth finally got something to do other than sing and take care of Judith. They delved deep into her character and got us to both know her and care for her. Before this episode, if Beth died I probably would have shrugged and said something along the lines of "Wait, who's she again?" But after this episode, I'd probably say something like "Aw shucks," which means a lot coming from an emotionally distant psychopath like me.

Daryl just continued to be cool, as usual, but we learned quite a lot about him in this episode:

1)While this apocalyptic world is sort of COMPLETELY TERRIBLE for all the other characters, Daryl's actually better off in it than he was before.

2)Daryl is suffering from Survivor's Guilt after the whole prison fiasco.

3)He used to be a borderline-junkie living an all around horrible life, and feels a bit of resentment towards Beth, who grew up in pretty much the exact opposite situation as him.

4)He's a bit of a light-weight. Seriously, only two drinks makes him go off the wall, while Beth drinks who-knows-how-much moonshine and is still fully functioning by the end of the episode.

I'd argue with another IMDb reviewer that this episode wasn't badly paced. It was slow-paced, sure, but the whole episode was building up to the argument outside where Daryl starts tearing up, which I thought was a very well-written and emotional scene. And another idiot complained about them burning down the house, clearly not getting the symbolic meaning behind it.

Also, one of the spoons had "Washington D.C." on it. Could that be a clue concerning Abraham and Eugine's plan to save the world? Nah, probably not.
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