The Sopranos: The Happy Wanderer (2000)
Season 2, Episode 6
The Happy Wanderer (#2.6)
6 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Tony's old high school friend David Scatino wants to participate in a poker game Tony holds. Tony warns him that the game is not for him but he insists. Turns out David wants to be part of it because he already owes money to Richie from a game. This time he has bad luck as well. And Tony doesn't let their friendship stand in the way of getting money back. Which may as well have ruined the friendship of Meadow and David's son.

The episode is especially good for small moments. Such as Silvio's anger over the cleaning of peanut shells, Tony telling Dr. Melfi how he wants to hit her cause he is angry and the first encounters of Tony and his mother (even though nothing has been said yet).

And my favorite when Tony finds out from Junior that he has another uncle who was "slow". His line "My mother always used to yell at my dad about his feeble minded brother, but I thought she meant you" and Junior's reaction were perfection.
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