Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013–2020)
Sink Or Swim? Decidedly Swim, But How Far?
6 March 2014
This show had a really rocky start, but ultimately pulled through in the final round. Its not exactly made for the villain of the week, and they didn't come up with a great formula for the shows chemistry right off the bat. Grant Ward has the personality of a tube of toothpaste, Fitz and Simmons were basically nothing more than nerd archetypes and the show did a lot of setting up without much rising action or the eventual conflict. The one thing they did get right became the main story arc of the first season, and as the actual plan of the clairvoyant was revealed, stakes were raised and things actually got good. But it took a long time to get there, too long to have a whole lot of faith in the next season. At the same time, many secrets were revealed, a new set of challenges were set up for the next season, and Deathlok finally went back to the good guys, where he belongs. I'd like to say this show has worked through all the kinks, but i'd have to see the next season to find out. What i can say is, the finale had some pretty great moments, mostly the humorous banter between Coulson and Fury, and i really want to know whats up with Skye and that 086, or the mystery symbols somehow related to project TAHITI. To sum it up, this show is shaping up to be a wholly average show, whether it swims to the deep end and reaches for glory or stays in the kiddie pool like warehouse 13, is up to them.
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