Review of Lockout

Lockout (2012)
Not terrible but definitely beneath Guy Pearce's abilities
10 March 2014
Guy Pearce evidenced by his performances in movies like LA Confidential, Memento and others is arguably one of the most talented actors in movies today and he's basically just cashing a paycheck in a by the numbers action vehicle. I guess the reason he did this movie was while a talented actor he's not a huge box office draw and hoped an action movie would help broaden his name value to be able to get even better roles down the line but it doesn't seem like this has accomplished that goal. This seems like it was a retooling of what would've been the third part of the John Carpenter's Escape from ... series. That type of movie works with a character as iconic as Snake Plissken but this screenplay leaves Pearce nothing to work with here.
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