This Isn't, Spaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrtttaaaaaaa.
25 March 2014
Its about Athens and united Greece....and face it....the art loving Athenians just aren't...well........ Spaaaaaartttans...

The wussy Athenians did try to outdo everything the Spartans did...

1)More blood more gore more digital abs...

2)Sexual undercurrents..

3)Far worse odds of victory....to the point that the rational mind has to reject it....

4)More than one epic battle...

But in trying to be that which they're not, they almost wrote over that which they are.....Artists.

So matters that make good movies...like Drama, Emotions, Dialogues, Choreography, Screenplay,Charismatic Male lead, Background score etc played second fiddle, its not that they were bad at it, its just that if the Spartans could do it, they should have at least TRIED to do it better.

It took the Persians and Eva Green in particular to actually bring some spice to the proceedings but a Villain is only as great as the Hero is, and the wannabe Athenians ensured even she loses her sheen after a while.

The Athenians do provide a good attempt at satisfying blood-lust without really boring you....

But they could have learned so much from the Spartans,then again history tells us that people almost never learn from their predecessors....

If you know your history and enjoy this form of art...go forth and Godspeed....
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