Review of A

The Walking Dead: A (2014)
Season 4, Episode 16
Simple Incredible
30 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoy The Walking Dead. I don't think I can name one episode that I haven't liked. That being said, I enjoy the slow scenes, the character development scenes, and the romance scenes just as much as I enjoy the fighting and gore scenes. So there could be an episode dedicated entirely to character development with no zombies and I'd be okay with it. I'm just letting you know this before the review.

This season has been captivating. It lost me a bit with The Governor's episodes. I enjoyed them, they wed just kind of long. I was wondering how they'd be able to drag out the whole travel to Terminus thing for the last eight episodes, but I believe they managed it pretty well.

Rick has been my favorite. And the scene where he basically resembles a Walker is priceless. That scene was so shocking and so gut-wrenching that any hardcore Walking Dead fan couldn't help but cheer a bit inside. Rick isn't crazy, he's just willing.

They wrapped up enough of the plot to leave us satisfied, but left enough for more of us to return to the season 5 premiere. The last line of the episode also aroused a cheer amongst the fans. "They're screwing with the wrong people." It's like we've been sitting here, watching this show for 4 seasons, saying, "These people are freaking awesome!" And the whole cast of characters have never really come out and said it, and I love how Rick acknowledged it. I love how Rick finally realized that they can't be reckoned with. That if anyone is going to survive until the end, it'll be them.

The element that intrigued me the most in this episode was Terminus. It was supposed to be nothing we expected, and it kind of . . . wasn't. It's suspicious but of course it's not safe. We still have zero answers about this place, but what I'm gathering from it is that it's some sort of research facility. That's just a guess though. Other than that, my only guess is a slaughterhouse.

Let's not forget that Carol and Tyreese are still out there. Those two are basically the only group's hope for escaping trouble in season 5. And Beth. But I'm still unsure whether she was kidnapped or just drove away. It's likely she's gone though. I wasn't sure how they could top the Governor as a villain, but these Terminus guys, well they seem like they'll do the job.

I also LOVE how no major characters were killed off in this episode. So many guesses were thrown out about who'd die in the finale, and everyone thought they guessed right, but the writers once again fooled us. No one dies. And somehow that seemed perfect for the finale of season 4.

All in all, I'm pumped for season 5, and I'm 100% positive I won't be disappointed.
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