Review of A

The Walking Dead: A (2014)
Season 4, Episode 16
Goodbye Walking Dead
31 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I seriously doubt that I'll return to Walking Dead after this season finale. One of the worst episodes of season 4 (and worse than any in seasons 1-3). One of the worst last episodes of any season. Of any series. At times it reminded me of Miami Vice - the bad guys as infinite ammo as in that show.

Rick went Zombie/Vampire on the "bad guy" played by Eric Roberts. That whole scene could have been written better by a chimp. Bad guy with his illogical choice to have Darryl kicked to death after he had protected Darryl in the previous episode? Against a long term member of his group, who got killed for lying?

The whole idea of tracking down someone who had killed a member of his group is a bit strange. Was there actually any logic there at all? Like, bikers just ditched their bikes in order to hunt down a single dude in a world full of zombies - where they had previously had to look for a house to settle in for the night and search for food? In previous episode, they were looking forward to finding a woman. Now one of the group - or based on the dialogue, they all are child-rapists who want to rape Carl on the spot? Asking Michonne to wait for her turn?

The bad guys have the upper hand in the situation, but they all get killed in a manner that is unreasonable. For example: The child-rapist threatens to kill Carl, but then proceeds to let Carl go and opens his arms wide to let Rick kill him? Sure. Sounds like a plan.

Then the whole Terminus matter. It was ridiculous to start with how easily they penetrated the place's defenses and got to the control area. Then Rick notices a chain hanging from a guy's pocket and deducts from this that the guy has Glenn's watch? The show's producers pointed out the Poncho (Maggie's) and Riot Gear (Did Rick actually see Glenn make it out of the camp in Riot Gear?). These were in my opinion better reasons for his alarm than the chain. I am just puzzled why they requested that Rick and his group display their weapons, but then they give the weapons back. If the whole idea was to capture them? Was that so they could have a cool alley run scene where people could show off their cool automatic rifles?

Seriously folks. If you know anything about weapons, the idea, that you can open fire with automatic rifle on rapid fire and shoot accurately just in front of someone, is so ridiculous that I had hard time to stop laughing. Or crying. Can't be sure since my emotions were so mixed.

Then Rick's final words in the episode? Cliché.

And then I come online and see people vote this episode with rating over 9? Have people never seen any other show on the television? I've loved the show in seasons 1-3. And it seemed tolerable until the episode when the Governor came to the prison for the final confrontation. After that it has been downhill for this show and I don't see any possible way to make it better. Or actually, I do, but I guess that is not what people want. It would require firing the whole screenwriter team and replace them with someone who has IQ higher than his shoe number. For me, it is time to find something better to do with my life, I am not going to waste another minute of it on this kind of ...
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