Review of A

The Walking Dead: A (2014)
Season 4, Episode 16
Cann anyone spell ...
3 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers

I reckon terminus is a group of cannibals calling fresh meat to themselves. I can't believe no one else has mentioned or theorized this.

Of course I may be completely wrong.

Nice to finally hear Michonne's back-story but sorry if I found the prison flashbacks a little dull and regressive. I find - and have for a while - Rick's son to be kind of bratty.

Okay is that enough lines ?

No it wasn't so I'll just try to ramble on a little more when I've really made my point about the cannibals thing. I do think that season 4 has been great, really liked it now that they got out of that boring prison and the even more boring Governor is gone!
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