Noah (2014)
Morbid Disappointment in What COULD Have Been a Marvelous Portrayal
5 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
It has been a very long time since I've seen a movie so pitifully crafted. "Pulp Fiction" is one that was a huge wasted of time, money and effort.

Last night, sitting through "Noah," I was pleased with the story's development - characters, et al. I was OK with the actors and their capture of their respective roles. Costuming was a bit weird, e.g. - Noah wearing a button-up coat. In the grand scheme of things, not a huge problem. CG was also nicely done, so kudos to that creative talent! I would say the first 1/2 or so of the film was pleasing. It very rapidly went downhill - at breakneck speed! The last 1/2 of the film was a complete adulteration and desecration of the Biblical story. Most troubling was the absence of spouses of all three sons of Noah. Reference has been made in my religious education (since early Sunday school) to Noah, his wife, their sons and their wives. The film's creator apparently needed to make an "it's all about me as an artist" thing.

Another HUGE pile of Male Bovine Excrement was the stowaway bad guy on the Ark. After returning home from the film, I dug into whatever sources I could, and find NO reference to a stowaway.

I could go on, but the point - I trust - is made. It is amazing how so-called creative talent can have such disrespect for a classic story of our world's evolution.

Had I known what I was in for PRIOR to entering the auditorium, I would not have gone in the first place.
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