Obsessed (2009)
5 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The title of this review about sums it up. 'Obsessed' is one of those movies that leaves you speechless in the worst way possible. I can only think of one other film that had the same effect on me, and it was Glitter. So yeah, that's saying a lot.

The worst thing about this movie is that Idris Elba is in it. I mean wtf? And Ali Larter? How did they even think this pos script was worth their time? How did anyone think this pos script was worth their time? It truly boggles the mind.

The script is so dull and simultaneously far-fetched. Black man strikes it lucky. Perfect house, perfect son, completely overbearing and distrusting wife in Beyonce Knowles, high-flying career. A Bentley! Amazing. Then hot, leggy white blonde gets a job as a temp and takes a liking to successful black man. Black man don't want no problems, turns her down, repeatedly. White girl goes from seductive and charming to complete psycho with absolutely no motive, nor rhyme or reason. Just, "surprise! I am utterly deranged!". We find out nothing about why this woman is the way she is, or why she becomes obsessed with our protagonist. Does she have an interesting past that is hinted at or revealed? No. Does she actually have an affair with the guy but is scorned by him? No. Nothing. Who cares? If anything I sympathize with her character because it is true, their marriage is a complete sham it seems, what with the wife having absolutely zero trust in her husband, how do they even love each other with that kind of relationship? The kind that calls for him to fire every female co-worker that comes to call and where he would feel like he was jeopardizing his marriage by going to a game with his buddy? Shock bloody horror right?

The complete ridiculousness of the movie is polished off with a terrible soundtrack where we are bombarded with some modern popular song every other minute to distract us from the misery that is this movie and the plights of the characters that we have absolutely no investment in. I guess the makers of this film expected to sell tickets by appealing to Beyonce fans? But she doesn't even appear much in this film until the end and her acting is dreadful? Oh I give up. We all know this is a terrible movie. I just wanted to chime my opinion in amongst the slew of other 1 star ratings on here because I just got done finishing watching this against my will and needed to vent my frustration somehow.

0/10, but 1/10 because 0 is unavailable. I sound angry but really I laughed my way through this movie. It's so bad that it's just bad, but provides occasional comic relief if you like satire. And Obsessed is basically a parody of itself.
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